What foods to eat to be smarter

A rich and healthy diet is something totally necessary in the time in which you live, since there are a series of foods that provide a series of nutrients that are very beneficial for health and the body. Many of them can help you strengthen and improve your intelligence, which is often neglected. Then take note of a series of foods whose intake will help you improve your […]

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ECO Products vs BIO Products: the differences you should know

Currently, we can find many markets and stores with organic and biological products that ensure good treatment of food, without chemicals or pesticides. These are foods that do not have chemical treatments and that respect nature and the environment. This is the key point when talking about these products: Respect for nature! But although sometimes

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Everything you lose by not including kiwi in your diet

In a healthy diet, it is essential to include a good supply of foods of plant origin, which contain good nutritional quality. In this sense, kiwi is one of the fruits on the market with the highest nutritional value. Thanks to its large amount of phytonutrients, kiwi can help us achieve optimal health. It stands out, especially, for its

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Foods rich in fiber: the best way to take care of your digestive system

Following a diet rich in fiber is essential to maintain the proper functioning of our body, since, among other things, it helps to reduce blood cholesterol, control weight or improve the functioning of our digestive system. That is why we must consume, on a daily basis, foods rich in fiber that provide the dose that our body

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Happy foods to cheer you up

If your mood is down, it may be due to various reasons, whether they are work, economic or family. Food plays a very important role in this aspect, since there are certain foods that, thanks to a series of specific properties, can help you raise that low mood and see life from another, much more optimistic point of view. Take note of such foods and incorporate them into

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