If lately you notice that headaches, tiredness or lack of concentration take over you, your body may be trying to tell you that it lacks iron. Discover which are the foods rich in iron that will help you control anemia.
Iron is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of our body. Among its main functions is to produce hemoglobin (a protein present in red blood cells) and to form part of blood cells.
What can cause us to lack iron?
Basically two things:
- That we are carrying out a very restrictive or unbalanced diet with which we do not obtain all the nutrients we need.
- That we are consuming foods that prevent the correct absorption of iron that other foods do provide us.
And it is that it is so important to take foods rich in iron as foods that favor its absorption.
What foods are rich in iron?
Surely it is not the first time that you hear that a good plate of lentils is synonymous with a good level of iron, however, there are many more foods that provide us with this mineral. Take note:
- The eggs, especially the yolks.
- Lean meats and liver.
- Oysters, clams and cockles.
- Dried legumes, especially lentils.
- Fish like tuna or salmon.
What foods favor the absorption of iron?
Mainly foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, kiwis or strawberries.
However, just as there are foods that favor its absorption, there are also those that interfere with it. This is the case with vinegar, black tea and coffee or soft drinks.
Now, with all this information, keeping iron levels in our body high and preventing tiredness and fatigue will be much easier.