Foods rich in vitamin D: learn to take care of yourself

Vitamin D plays an essential role in our body and its proper functioning since it is involved in processes as important as the maintenance and absorption of calcium, which is essential for the health of our bones and teeth. Therefore, we tell you which are the best foods rich in vitamin D.

This vitamin is formed from two provitamins that, with the sun’s radiation through the skin, are transformed in the liver and converted into calcitriol, the most active product of vitamin D, responsible for facilitating the intestinal absorption of calcium. and the phosphorus. Thus, controlled exposure to the sun guarantees adequate levels of this vitamin.

Functions of vitamin D in our body 

  • On the one hand, as we have already said, it stimulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, improving the growth and development of both bones and teeth.
  • In addition, it regulates the levels of calcium in the blood, improving the functioning of the nerves and muscles.
  • It also improves cell growth and strengthens the immune system, helping the body protect itself and prevent infection.

Know the foods rich in vitamin D 

Foods rich in vitamin D are mainly of animal origin:

  • Milk and cheeses, especially Swiss, camembert, cheddar or Parmesan.
  • The butter.
  • Blue fish such as salmon, mackerel, or sardines, as well as their oils.
  • Eggs, especially the yolk.

Daily and healthy foods that can guarantee the correct levels of vitamin D in the body, favoring the entire chain of functions in which vitamin D is involved. Simple, right?

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